Afternoon all
Who decided to keep kids off school for 6 weeks!? Teachers, thats who! If theyre not striking they are having 'Teacher Training days' or Half Terms etc!
My poor Molly moon missed the last 2 days in her reception class as she has Tonsillistis AGAIN! It must be about 4/5 times this year now and she wont be referred to ENT untill she has it at least 6 times a year. So she has to be in pain, miss school, feel crap and take horrible medicine at least 6 times a year before they might refer her! Yeah Cheers NHS.
After Harry Bo being in hospital last Sunday and Molly Moon poorly this week, i'm sitting writing this drinking a Lemsip, just to be on the safe side! lol Just waiting for Navy boy to get Man Flu now!
Me & Moonie have just been on a long walk, luckily we walked far enough to get to her Nanny's house so we got a lift (& McFlurry) back! Result! So glad they were in else it would have been a bitch of a walk back!
Its me & Navy boys anniversary tomorrow, 7 years Married! 7 year itch?? Nah, we're a strange couple! but no matter how much I moan about him, it seems to work well! We are so skint this month after going to Butlins that we havint even got each other a card! Although Molly has managed to get us all an invite to his parents tomorrow for Sunday Dinner! One of my Father-in-Laws Roast Beef dinners is more than enough for me for our anniversary! YUM!
Navy boy upset me this morning. He didnt mean to, he was just telling me when he'll be away on ship next year and it works out he misses both kids birthdays, my 30th Birthday and our Anniversary, funnily enough he is home for his birthday though! lol. I was expecting a bit of a fuss for my 30th but not now I guess!
I missed a delivery twice this week. I think it was my freebie to review so you'll have to wait till next time for the review and links etc.
YUK! Why is it one minute Lemsip is too hot to drink then a second later it is too cold and rank to drink! I managed to down the rest of mine though! YUK!
Got my registration details for applying for a Council house this week, mega quick! I have to wait till next thurs before I have apply (if there are any we like) Scary quick! Havnt really said anything to Molly yet as dont want to worry her about leaving her school etc.
Anyway, gotta go now as tea soon.
Aloha for now :o)
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